Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Surf's up baby!

Could this be one of the prettiest blush face powders ever? In my book yes, but then again I haven't had the privilege of seeing the lastest mosaic bronzer by Gerlain (sorry about the spelling) now that is gnarly! That was terrible wasn't it :-p

What's your favourite product from the MAC surf baby collection?

Monday, June 13, 2011

A hand in every pot

Now if you've seen this before, then this is crazy right? I just came back from the local supermarket to find in amazement that the Coke brands have their dirty little fingers in another pie. I came across these beauties, this pack was about $14, and they come in individual packs as well.

It may seem that I'm a coke basher, please don't get me wrong I love a coke as much as the next person I just can't believe that they would join forces with lip Smakers.  Good to them I say, hope they taste like the real thing!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

An about face on skin care

If some one had said to me that I would stop using Nutrimetics and start using another skin care brand I would have thought them to be out of their minds but funny enough I have!

Of how much of a Nutrimetics nut I am I thought I needed a change, mainly to test the waters of other brands and to see how much courage one needs to make the leap.

There will always be something bigger and better that will grab your attention, and NAT skin care seem to fit the bill with me. NAT is an Australian company and have been around for about 20 years, where the hell have I been???

NAT is inspired by nature to give you amazing results that have not been assisted by hash chemicals, wow this is starting to sound paid for but I assure you it isn't.

I was a bit dubious about the claims they had because the first thing that comes to mind is that natural equals nothing really.

The fragrance of each product is derived from essential oils so its absolutely amazing.  Check them out at www.Nat.com